Alexandria Petroleum Company Obtains three Different ISO Certifications
APC Implements the Environmental Managment policy system to reduce pollution rate.
Supporting the National Economy and Availability of the Petroleum Products for the local market .
Alexandria Petroleum Company had carried the construction of four other service depositories.
APC have 3 diatillation units with total capacity about 5 million tons per year.
Established with production capacity of 52000 tons per year [64 ton/hr] Stabilized Naphtha.
Have 2 Main Hexane Sulpholane Unit & Hydrotreating Unit and other treating and utility units.
Consists of processing and support fasilities designed forlubricatingoil base stoke production and food grade wax.
Started in 1997 in order to protect the enviroment with feeding capacity 30000 tons per year.
Started production in 1997 and is capable to produce blown bitumen packing in pallet.
Petroleum Port is directed by Alexandria Petroleum Company as (Egyptian general petroleum corporation) representative there are many companies inside petroleum port under command of Alex. Petrpleum Company such as:
Co-petrol company - Misr Petroleum Company - Exxon Mobil - Gasco - Anarbec - Amoc - Amreya pet.com. - Petrogas - artivitial fibre co. - food oil company-Alex. Pet. Co. we delivered and received many products for the above mention companies.
General Administration of Petroleum ports, Alexandria Petroleum Company is responsible for the management and supervision of the petroleum basin, which through it petroleum products are exported and imported through pipelines from petroleum companies to the basin.
The Petroleum basin of Alexandria port holds the berth no.87 in the port authority and under it, there is 5 sea berths as follow:
Alexandria Petroleum Company Exports Some Products such as:
Alexandria Petroleum Company Imports Some Products such as:
Alexandria Petroleum basin the only outlet in Egypt, through which bitumem 60/70 (Asphalt) is imported to meet the needs of the national roads paving project under the patronage of the president ABD EL-FATAH EL-SISI.
Additional to the food industries company of the ministry of supply.
Alexandria Petroleum Company has facilities contracts with Petroleum Investment Companies to use petroleum basin for import and export
APC produces Alot of the main petroleum products such as: Straight Run Naphtha for Exportation - Turbine Jet A-1 - Fuel Oil - Gas Oil.
APC also produces some petroleum solvents such as: Turpentine - Commercial Hexane (Food Grade) for Exportation - Special Hexane.
APC also produces three lubricationg oil producs which are: Bright Stock Oil - Cylinder Oil - Micro Cystalline Wax Exportation.
APC also produces two main Bituminous products which are: Oxidized Bitumen 60/70 Heavy Duty - Oxidized Bitumen (Grade 95/25).
APC also produces some re-refined spent oil products, they are: Used Oil Sample - Used Oil for Exportation - Neutral Oil.
Our products that are for sale are all produced from low boiling hydrocarbons distilled from portion of gasoline cut.
APC followes some procedures to ensure environmental protection such as:
We provide alot of services in maintenance field like: Machining & Metal Working - Heat Exchanger - Piping Fabrication - Sheet Metal Working - Valves Test and Maintenance.
To help you follow the production units and product analysis and ensure compliance with international standards and using the latest hardware, chemical plants Includes many research departments
Alexandria Petroleum Company takes on letting out two tanks near to the port to work for the others for the exportation with a capacity of 3000 tons and a rental value monthly.