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Alexandria Petroleum Company

One Of The Egyptian General Petroleum Corporation Companies.

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Our Mission Is To Fullfill,
The Needs Of The LocalMarket.

And Export The Excess To Increase The National Income.

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Petroleum Port Is Directed By
Alexandria Petroleum Company.

We Deliver And Receive Many Products For Many Companies.

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Quite Good Sharing Rate!

In Some Of The Other Companies In Petroleum Sector.

أخبارالشركة اليوم:
السيدة المهندسة / ريهام محمد رئيسا لشركة الإسكندرية للبترول فعاليات المجلس الاستشاري للصناعه فتح باب القيد في سجلي الموردين والمقاولين تكنولوجيا المعلومات بالإسكندرية للبترول تحصل على الأيزو 27001 معمل المياه بالأسكندرية للبترول يحصل على الأيزو 17025 الإسكندرية للبترول تجدد شهادات الأيزو
تابع صفحة أخبار الشركة


ISO 27001

سياسة أمن المعلومات بالشركة

Quality Certification

Alexandria Petroleum Company Obtains three Different ISO Certifications

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Ecological Management

APC Implements the Environmental Managment policy system to reduce pollution rate.

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APC Role

Supporting the National Economy and Availability of the Petroleum Products for the local market .

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Increasing Resources

Alexandria Petroleum Company had carried the construction of four other service depositories.

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مدونة قواعد السلوك الوظيفي

للعاملين المدنيين بالجهاز الإداري بالدولة

Our Mission

Fulfilling the needs of the local market from the petroleum products and exporting the excess in order to increase the national income and to save the foreign specie . In order to do that , the company uses the advanced technology to put into effect the highest production rate and to renew the styles of the work and to develop the information systems for enhancing the operating economies.
Also achieving the government policy in the field of privatization by executing the several from the joint-stoke companies with the private sector.

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Main Producting Units Alex Petroleum Company Has many producting units, mostly are helping units and there are Six Main Units Which Are

Some Products of Distillation and Solvent
Propane LPG Light Naphtha Heavy Naphtha
See All Products

Recent Projects The Newest Projects Implemented By Alexandria Petroleum Company

Petroleum Port is directed by Alexandria Petroleum Company as (Egyptian general petroleum corporation) representative there are many companies inside petroleum port under command of Alex. Petrpleum Company such as:

Co-petrol company - Misr Petroleum Company - Exxon Mobil - Gasco - Anarbec - Amoc - Amreya - Petrogas - artivitial fibre co. - food oil company-Alex. Pet. Co. we delivered and received many products for the above mention companies.

General Administration of Petroleum ports, Alexandria Petroleum Company is responsible for the management and supervision of the petroleum basin, which through it petroleum products are exported and imported through pipelines from petroleum companies to the basin.

The Petroleum basin of Alexandria port holds the berth no.87 in the port authority and under it, there is 5 sea berths as follow:

  • - Berths no.87/1 and 87/2 have maximum draft 32 feet.
  • - Berth no.87/3 have maximum draft 33 feet.
  • - Berths no.87/4 and 87/5 have maximum draft 34 feet.

Alexandria Petroleum Company Exports Some Products such as:

  • - Vacuum distillates (Alexandria and AMREYA co.)
  • - Fuel oil (AMOC)
  • - Linear Alkyl Benzene /lab (Amreya and Elab)
  • - Jet A-1 (Alexandria pet. Co.)
  • - Wax (Alexandria and Amreya)
  • - Propane (Gasco)

Alexandria Petroleum Company Imports Some Products such as:

  • - Gasoil, Gasoline, Luboil, LPG and Bitumen 60/70 (All for EGPC’s account)
  • - (Cutter stock for Amoc’s account)
  • - Vegoils (for food industries authority)

Alexandria Petroleum basin the only outlet in Egypt, through which bitumem 60/70 (Asphalt) is imported to meet the needs of the national roads paving project under the patronage of the president ABD EL-FATAH EL-SISI.

The EGPC companies which uses the petroleum basin for export and import are:
The petroleum investment companies are:
  • - AMOC
  • - ANRPC
  • - GASCO
  • - ELAP

Additional to the food industries company of the ministry of supply.

Alexandria Petroleum Company has facilities contracts with Petroleum Investment Companies to use petroleum basin for import and export

Investments projects

Upgrading Industrial Security System
Develop and update the fire systems in all units of the company's system & installing an early warning to avoid the dangers of fire, maintaining the highest levels of security and safety and provide a clean environment.
Computer System Development
To link networks of computers, computer equipment and the establishment of the centeral integrated information network within the company.
Replacement Of Production Units
To maintain the productive capacity of the units and ensure the continuity of production processes.
Rent Tanks
- Letting out 2 tanks near the port to work for the others for the exportation with a capacity of 3000 tons & a rental value monthly.
- 3 tanks with volume 10,000 m3 for each tank have been rented to AMOC to store gas oil product and re-export it for it's account by APC's pumps and lines.
Other Investments
- A piece of land has been rented to Emirate Misr co. and a Gas station has been built on this land.
- Reacting the Banker agreement with the Grecian Mac Oil Company.
APC Renews the three Obtained ISO certifications (ISO 2009:2015 for Quality Management System, ISO 14001:2015 for Environmental Management System, ISO 45001:2018 for Occupational Health & Safety Assessment Services)

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What We Produce We Produce Six Different Kinds Of Petroleum Product Which Are

Main Products

APC produces Alot of the main petroleum products such as: Straight Run Naphtha for Exportation - Turbine Jet A-1 - Fuel Oil - Gas Oil.

Petroleum Sovents

APC also produces some petroleum solvents such as: Turpentine - Commercial Hexane (Food Grade) for Exportation - Special Hexane.

Lube Oil Products

APC also produces three lubricationg oil producs which are: Bright Stock Oil - Cylinder Oil - Micro Cystalline Wax Exportation.

Bituminous Products

APC also produces two main Bituminous products which are: Oxidized Bitumen 60/70 Heavy Duty - Oxidized Bitumen (Grade 95/25).

Re-refined Spent Oil

APC also produces some re-refined spent oil products, they are: Used Oil Sample - Used Oil for Exportation - Neutral Oil.

Products For Sale

Our products that are for sale are all produced from low boiling hydrocarbons distilled from portion of gasoline cut.

Environment Protection Procedures.

APC followes some procedures to ensure environmental protection such as:

  • Reduce petroleum wastes.
  • Treating waste gases.
  • Treating waste liquid.
  • Treating product which is used as a fuel.
  • Re-cycling and Re-using petroleum waste.
  • Using protective maintenance system.
  • Using close cooling systems.
  • Re-refining used motor oil.
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We Support the National Economy
and Availability of the
Petroleum Products for the


What We Offer We Offer Different Kinds Of Services Such As

Maintenance Services

We provide alot of services in maintenance field like: Machining & Metal Working - Heat Exchanger - Piping Fabrication - Sheet Metal Working - Valves Test and Maintenance.

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Chemical Plants Services

To help you follow the production units and product analysis and ensure compliance with international standards and using the latest hardware, chemical plants Includes many research departments

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Investment Services

Alexandria Petroleum Company takes on letting out two tanks near to the port to work for the others for the exportation with a capacity of 3000 tons and a rental value monthly.

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Some of the Technical Courses We Organize

We Provide Different Types of
Medical Services for our



  •   3 Al Max - Alexandria - Egypt
  •   +203 440 2832
         +203 440 2833
         +203 443 0123
  •   +203 443 0124